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勾引 av Xu Jian History

email me search me Qin biographies     Qin origins     Nan Bei     Sui Tang     Song Yuan     Ming     2012 edition 汉文(殘)     首頁 Introductory History of the Qin By Xu Jian2 琴史初編 1 許健 2   Qin Shi Chubian, 1982 (compare 2012)  勾引 av Translated sections have links, but links preceded by "discusses" are simply to where further information will be.

1. Beginnings to Qin dynasty (pp. 1 - 10; 汉文) 勾引 av

A. Qin specialists (pp. 1 - 6)      Discusses: Zhong Yi, Shi Cao, Shi Kuang, Shi Juan, Bo Ya and Yongmen Zhou.

B. Qin Melodies (pp. 7 - 10)      Discusses: Zhi Zhao Fei, Yan Yi Ge and Yang Chun Bai Xue

  2. Former and Latter Han (pp. 11 - 23; 汉文)

A. Qin specialists      Discusses: Sima Xiangru, Shi Zhong, Zhao Ding, Long De, Liu Xiang,        Wang Zhengjun, Zhao Feiyan, Huan Tan and Cai Yong.

B. Qin Melodies      Discusses: Yin Ma Chengcheng Ku (see Cai Yong's Qin Fu),        Nie Zheng Ci Han Wang Qu (see Guangling San), and        Bie He Cao (see Bie Gu Cao)

  3. Wei and Jin (pp. 24 - 39; 汉文)

A. Qin specialists      Discusses: Cai Yan, Du Kui, Ruan Yu, Ruan Xian, Ruan Zhan,        Ruan Ji, Xi Kang, Zuo Si and Liu Kun.

B. Qin Melodies      Discusses:

Guangling San Jiu Kuang Meihua Sannong   4. Northern and Southern Dynasties (pp. 40 - 51; 汉文) A. Qin specialists Dai Yong and Dai Kui Zong Bing Liu Yun and Liu Shilong Liu Xie

B. Qin melodies Jieshidiao You Lan Wu Ye Ti Aonong Ge

(Concluding remarks)

  5. Sui and Tang (pp. 52 - 82; 汉文) A. Qin specialists: Li Yi Heruo Bi Wang Tong Wang Ji Zhao Yeli Dong Tinglan Xue Yijian Chen Kangshi Chen Zhuo.

Concluding Remarks

B. Qin melodies

Da Hujia and Xiao Hujia Zhaojun Yuan Fenglei Yin Yi Zhen Li Sao Yangguan Sandie Yuge Diao.

C. Qin tablature and Qin making

Innovations in the style of tablature Development of the qin making craft

D. Qin in Tang poetry

 6. Song and Yuan (pp. 83 - 121; 汉文)

A. Qin specialists

Qin monk teachers and disciples in the Northern Song dynasty Literati and Qin Masters Zhe(jiang) school of the Southern Song (1127-1280) Qin Experts of the Jin and Yuan Dynasties Emperors Addicted to the Qin

B. Qin Melodies

     I. Introduction to qin melodies, then (with most musical examples omitted):

Chu Ge Hujia Shibapai Xiao Xiang Shui Yun Yu Ge Zui Weng Yin Zepan Yin Gu Yuan Huangying Yin.

    II. From Title Lists Looking at Qin Melody Performance Development

   III. Diaozi (short songs) and Caonong (instrumental melodies)

C. Qin Essays

     Introduction to the essays, then:

Qin Shi (Qin History), by Zhu Changwen Qin Shu (Qin Narration), by Yuan Jue Qin Jian (Qin Commentary), by Cui Zundu Qin Yi (Qin Critique), by Liu Ji Qinlü Fawei (Investigation of Qin Tones), by Chen Minzi Jiezou, Zhifa (Rhythm and Finger Methods), by Zequan Heshang Lun Qin (Discussing Qin), by Cheng Yujian; compare Qin Lun Lun Tan Qin (Discussing Qin Play), by Zhao Xikuang Zhuo Qin Fa (Qin Construction Methods), by Biluozi; plus two anonymous essays  

7. Ming (pp. 122 - 150; 汉文) A. Qin specialists (distinguishing the so-called Jiang and Zhe schools)

Zhe(jiang) Melodies of the Xumen tradition (pp. 123 -125; 汉文)  Xu Hezhong  Huang Xian (1485 - 1561; see also Wugang Qinpu)  Xiao Luan (1487 - 1561; see also Taiyin Buyi and Taiyin Xupu)

Yushan School (pp. 125 - 128; 汉文)  Yan Cheng; and Songxianguan Qinpu  Xu Qingshan; and Dahuange Qinpu

Shaoxing Qin School (pp. 128 - 129; 汉文)  Yin Ertao; see Huiyan Mizhi  Zhang Dai; also see Huiyan Mizhi

Creators of Qin Songs (pp. 130 - 131; 汉文) (Concerns only the late Ming: see comment.)  Chen Dabin  Chen Shi  Wu Guiyun  Lu Yaohua  Yu Qian

Qin experts who opposed the Qing dynasty (pp. 131 - 132; 汉文)  Kuang Lu  Hua Xia  Li Yanshi (or Li Yanxia)  Jin Qiongjie

Craftsmen who played qin (pp. 132 - 133; 汉文)  Xu the dye craftsman (徐染匠 Xu ranjiang)  A certain carpenter (某木工 mou mujiang)  The hat craftsman (補帽匠 bumaojiang)

Skilled qin makers (pp. 133 - 134; 汉文)  Zhang Jingxiu 張敬修  Shi Yanzhao 施彥昭  Wu Shi 吳拭  Yan Diaoyu 嚴調御

B. Qin Melodies. Discusses:

Zhu Quan and the qin melody Qiu Hong (partial translation here) (pp. 134 - 139; 汉文) Pingsha Luo Yan (pp. 139 - 141) Yu Qiao Wenda (pp. 141 - 143) Liangxiao Yin (p. 143) Shitan Zhang (p. 144) Yi Qiao Jin Lü (pp. 144 - 145) Boya Diao Ziqi (pp. 145 - 147)

C. Qin essays. Discusses:

Leng Qian, 16 Methods for Qin Sounds (冷謙,琴聲十六法; pp. 147 - 149) Translated in Van Gulik, Lore, pp. 108 - 116 Xu Qingshan, Qin Matters (徐青山,谿山琴況; pp. 149 - 150) 24 such methods; mentioned in VG, Lore, p.107


8. Qing (pp. 151 - 171; 汉文) A. Qin Specialists

Han Jiang and qin song composers (p. 152)

Han Jiang (韓畕 ca. 1615 - ca. 1667) Zhuang Zhenfeng (ca. 1624 - after 1667) Cheng Xiong Jiang Xingchou (Shin-Etsu; 1639 - 1696) Shen Guan (see Qinxue Zhengsheng) Wang Xuan (Wang Fu; 1692 - 1759) Wang Shan (1678 - after 1758)

Guangling School (汉文, p. 154)

Xu Changyu Xu Qi Wu Hong Wang Mingchen 汪明辰 (studied from 先機梵衲 a student of Wu Hong) Qin Weihan (1816-ca.1868; see Jiaoan Qinpu)

Jin Tao and his followers (p. 157)

Jin Tao Yun Zhigao Han Gui Dai Changgeng Jiang Wenxun

B. Qing dynasty Qin Melodies (p. 160)

Shui Xian Cao Oulu Wang Ji (Xu Jian commentary) Longxiang Cao Wuye Wu Qiufeng 勾引 av

C. Qing dynasty Qin Essays (p. 165)

Five essays

Zhuang Zhenfeng, Fan Lie Dai Yuan, Eight rules for playing qin Wang Tan and Cao Tingdong's studies of qin tones Chen Youci's Qin studies Jiang Wenxun's Qinxue Cuiyan.


9. Recent (pp. 172 - 186; 汉文) A. Qin Specialists (pp. 172-6)

Daring to take melodies from popular culture: Zhang Jutian Compiled/wrote Zhang Jutian Qinpu Zhu Tongjun (i.e., Zhu Fengjie) and his followers Zhu Tongjun; Zhang He (see Qinxue Rumen); Chen Shiji Zhang Kongshan and (his disciple) Gu Yucheng of the Chuanpai (Sichuan School 汉文) For Zhang Kongshan see Tianwenge Qinpu The Wang family of 諸城 Zhucheng (west of Qingdao, Shandong province) (See the Zhucheng school handbooks such as Qinpu Zhenglü, Tongyin Shan Guan Qinpu and Mei An Qinpu) Wang Fuchang, Wang Zuozhen, Wang Yumen, Wang Lu, Wang Lubin (elsewhere Wang Binlu) Huang Mianzhi and qin masters in the capital Huang Mianzhi (1853-1919; listed under 九嶷 Jiuyi style in the Zha chart but also said to have learned from Shi Kongchen, associated with the Guangling School); His student Yang Zongji ("Jiuyi Shanren") compiled Qinxue Congshu); others included Jia Kuofeng, Fu Tong, Shi Yinmei and Zhang Chunpu

B. Qin Melodies (pp. 177-81

Liu Shui of 1876 Zui Yu Chang Wan (later version but does not identify it) Changmen Yuan Guanshan Yue (says Yang Yinliu paired this with Li Bai lyrics) Qiu Feng Ci (mentions neither Li Bai nor the 1709 and 1840 occurrences)

C. Qin Essays (pp. 182-6)

Three Essays


10. Contemporary (pp. 187 - 195) A. Qin Specialists

Zhou Qingyun Guan Pinghu Zha Fuxi

B. Qin Melodies

Yi Guren Qi Yan Hui

C. Qin Essays

Not separated into sections

D. The guqin in New China


Afterword (p. 196)

  Footnotes (Shorthand references are explained on a separate page)

1. Introductory History of the Qin 北京,东说念主民音樂出书社 Beijing, Renmin Yinyue Chuban She, 1982. The links above are mostly to pages that have been translated, mostly by myself but quite a number were done by 金秋雨 Jin Qiuyu (search me for "金秋雨" or "Jin Qiuyu"). (Return)

2. 許健 Xu Jian (1922-2017) (see also here and here as well as this obituary) In 2012 Xu Jian published a new edition of this book, called 琴史新編 Qin Shi Xin Bian (Qin History, New Edition), with further material (see Appendix below).

  Appendix Contents of Qin History New Edition 琴史新編目錄 Qin Shi Xin Bian Mulu (2012)   Qin Shi Xinbian, 2012 (compare 1982)  

This book is a new edition by Xu Jian based on his 1982 Introductory History of the Qin (above). The outline below of the new edition (standard characters, modified from baike.baidu.com) has links from each chapter going to the corresponding chapter of the earlier edition above, while the chapters and their sections above are romanized and have links to further information. This shows that, while the new edition has the same format, it also has significant additions, in particular:

It inserts 23 附錄 further commentaries throughout, but particularly for more recent times It adds a 評 commentary at the end of each chapter It adds an 11th chapter with 余論 extra essays

The 評 chapter commentaries and 余論 extra essays are indented below.


第一章 先秦

第一節 琴东说念主:鐘儀/師曹/師曠/伯牙/雍門周           附錄一 千載頌清風 : 許由

第二節 琴曲 《雉朝飛》/《扊扅歌》/《陽春》《白雪》           附錄二 洋洋盈耳話《關雎》           附錄三 穆穆皇皇雍容《大雅》           附錄四 水至清则无鱼話《陽春》           一評:「琴瑟友之」說明了什麼?

第二章 兩漢

第一節 琴东说念主 司馬相如/師中/趙定/龍德/劉向/王政君/趙飛燕/桓譚/蔡邕

第二節 琴曲 《飲馬長城窟》/《聶政刺韓王曲》/《別鶴操》           附錄五 弦歌與琴歌           二評:《文王操》若何表現?

第三章 魏晉

第一節 琴东说念主 蔡琰/杜夔/阮瑀/阮籍/阮咸/嵇康/左想/劉琨/陶淵明

第二節 琴曲 《廣陵散》/《酒狂》/《梅花三弄》           附錄六 衝冠怒亦深 : 《廣陵散》辨,兼答《投劍功無補》文           附錄七 琴曲中的《春之歌》 : 《修禊吟》           附錄八 《梅花》尋源           三評:目送歸鴻,手揮五弦

第四章 南北朝

第一節 琴东说念主 戴顒/宗炳/柳惲/柳諧

第二節 琴曲 《碣石調·幽蘭》/《烏夜啼》/《懊歌》           四評:撫琴弄操響眾山

第五章 隋唐

第一節 琴东说念主 李疑/賀若弼/王通/王績/趙耶利/董庭蘭/薛易簡/陳康士/陳拙

第二節 琴曲 《大胡笳》和《小胡笳》/《昭君怨》/《風雷引》/《頤真》/《離騷》/《陽關三疊》/《漁歌調》           附錄九 最憶《陽關》唱珍珠一串歌

第三節 記譜和斫琴 一 譜式的立异 二 造琴工藝的發展

第四節 唐詩中的琴           附錄十 為我一揮手如聽萬壑松 : 李白的綠綺情結           五評:字簡義盡,文約音該

第六章 宋元

第一節 琴东说念主 一 北宋的琴僧師徒 朱文濟/夷中/知白/義海/則全/照曠 二 文东说念主與琴家 歐陽修/沈遵/崔閒/蘇軾/葉夢得/吳良輔 三 南宋的浙派 張岩/郭楚望/劉志方/楊瓚/徐天民/毛敏仲/汪元量/宋尹文/徐理/俞琰 四 金元琴家 苗秀實/耶律楚材 五 嗜琴的天子 趙匡義/趙佶/完顏璟

第二節 琴曲 一 琴曲介紹 《楚歌》/《胡笳十八拍》/《瀟湘水雲》/《漁歌》/《醉翁吟》/《澤畔吟》/《古怨》/《黃鶯吟》 二 從曲目看琴曲的演變 三 調子和操弄           附錄十一 姜夔过火琴曲《古怨》

第三節 琴論 一 朱長文《琴史》 二 袁桷《琴述》 三 崔遵度《琴箋》 四 劉籍《琴議》 五 陳敏子《琴律發微》 六 則全梵衲《節奏、指法》 七 成玉《論琴》 八 趙希曠論彈琴 九 碧落子《斫琴法》过火他           附錄十二 天上曲調东说念主間音 : 六一琴論初探           六評:清厲而靜,和潤而遠

第七章 明代

第一節 琴东说念主 一 朱權、蔣克謙 二 浙操徐門 徐和仲/黃獻/蕭鸞 三 虞山派 嚴澄/徐青山 四 紹興琴派 尹爾韜/張岱 五 琴歌作家 陳大斌/陳詩/吳歸雲/陸堯化/虞謙 六 抗清琴东说念主 鄺露/華夏/李延昰/金瓊階 七 工匠琴东说念主 徐染匠/某木工/補帽匠 八 斫琴妙手 張敬修/施彥昭/吳拭/嚴調御

第二節 琴曲 《秋鴻》/《平沙落雁》/《漁樵問答》/《良宵引》/《釋談章》/《圯橋進履》/《伯牙吊子期》           附錄十三 琴史上的第一譜集 : 《神奇秘譜》

第三節 琴論 一 冷謙《琴聲十六法》 二 徐青山《溪山琴況》           附錄十四 評《溪山琴況》           附錄十五 虞山派的「清微淡遠」           七評:聲既異門,學亦隨判

第八章 清代

第一節琴东说念主 一 韓畕及琴歌作家      韓畕/莊臻鳳/程雄/蔣興儔/沈琯/汪烜/王善 二 廣陵派      徐常遇/徐祺/吳灴/汪明辰/秦維瀚 三 金陶过火門弟子      金陶/雲志高/韓桂/戴長庚/蔣文勳           附錄十六 琴派的变成與演變

第二節 琴曲 《水仙操》/《鷗鷺忘機》/《龍翔操》/《梧葉舞秋風》

第三節 琴論 一 莊臻鳳的《琴學心聲·凡例》 二 戴源的《饱读琴八則》 三 王坦、曹庭棟的琴律商酌 四 陳幼慈的琴論 五 蔣文勳的《琴學粹言》           八評:操弄調引,功能各異

第九章 近代

第一節 琴东说念主 一 敢於「從俗」的張鞠田 二 祝桐君过火後繼者 祝桐君/張鶴/陳世驥 三 川派張孔山及顧氏家眷 四 諸城王氏 王溥長/王作禎/王雩門/王露/王賓魯 五 黃勉之及京師琴家 黃勉之/楊宗稷/賈闊峰/溥侗/史蔭好意思/張春圃

第二節 琴曲 《活水》/《醉漁唱晚》/《長門怨》/《關山月》/《秋風詞》

第三節 琴論 一 祝桐君的《與古齋琴譜》 二 陳世驥的《制曲要篇》 三 楊宗稷的《琴話》、《琴粹》           九評:漸引入調,稍緊成章

第十章 現代

第一節 琴东说念主 周慶雲/查阜西/管平湖           附錄十七 為重振琴壇畢生操勞 : 古琴家查阜西           附錄十八 弦上萬古意清心向活水 : 古琴家管平湖

第二節 琴曲 《憶故东说念主》/《泣顏回》

第三節 琴論

第四節 新中國的古琴           附錄十九 古樸典雅獨樹一幟 : 談查老的琴歌           附錄二十 萬里訪古琴           附錄二十一 訪吳、越、閩琴友記           附錄二十二 悠悠琴韻四十年 : 論中國藝術商酌院音樂商酌所           附錄二十三 介紹北京古琴商酌會           十評:保護遺產,任重说念遠

第十一章 余論

一 何為琴學 二 「琴德最優」四解 三 古曲尋聲話打譜 四 關於譯譜

代後記 古琴,路在何方?

李鳳雲《許健先生〈琴史新編〉先睹記 (Return)

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